5 Benefits of Professional Dry Eye Treatments

Dry eye syndrome affects the tears that cover the eye surface. When the eyes fail to produce enough tears, or when the tears evaporate too quickly, it leaves the eye surface dry. Dry eye is characterized by itching, burning, and a gritty sensation in the eye. Several remedies can relieve dry eye symptoms, but the results are often temporary. Treatment can help provide long-term relief. 

Easing Symptoms and Soothing Eyes

Professional dry eye treatment is primarily sought to reduce uncomfortable symptoms and soothe the eyes. Tears help keep the eyes moisturized and well-lubricated. The lack of tears leaves the eyes feeling dry and itchy. The grittiness and burning sensation can cause severe discomfort. Treatment helps reduce the symptoms, providing comfort. 

Help Improve Vision

Blurry vision is a typical symptom of dry eye. Increased eye sensitivity from dry eye also affects vision. Most people with the condition find it difficult to see clearly as the eyes feel gritty. They usually experience eyestrain and other symptoms when using digital devices. Using eye drops and other treatment options helps reduce digital eyestrain. 

Prevent Damage to the Eye Surface

Dry eye can lead to ocular damage. Lack of eye moisture leaves the cornea dry and susceptible to damage. The sensation of something in the eye usually leads to frequent eye rubbing. The eyelids moving over the dry eye surface can scratch the sensitive cornea. Some individuals with dry eyes develop corneal ulcers and scarring. Treatment will help protect the eye surface.

Treating the Underlying Cause 

Dry eye treatment usually involves treating the underlying cause. Dry eye may be due to gland dysfunction. Treatments that target the meibomian glands help treat the root cause. The syndrome may also be due to underlying health conditions, the use of certain medications, and environmental factors. Determining the underlying cause is essential for effective treatment.

Provide Long-term Results

Home remedies and OTC eye drops can reduce the symptoms of dry eye. However, they are usually temporary. Professional dry eye treatments can provide long-term relief. Treating the underlying cause, not just the symptoms, helps provide effective and long-lasting results. Treatment helps slow the progression of chronic dry eye.

Choosing Dry Eye Treatments

If not treated, dry eye can lead to eye pain, cornea scars, and chronic dry eyes. If you experience any symptoms, visit an eye specialist immediately. Treatment for dry eye will depend on the underlying cause and severity of the condition.

You may need to try several treatment options before settling on the best solution. Most professional treatments are quick and relatively painless, with no downtime. Treatment can help prevent complications from dry eye. It can help save your vision.

Making changes to your environment can help reduce the symptoms of dry eye. Use a humidifier, limit digital device use, and avoid environmental triggers. Resting your eyes and using a warm compress over your eyelids every night can soothe your eyes. It also helps to eat a healthy diet or take supplements. 

For more benefits of professional dry eye treatments, visit SpecTakular Boutique at our Dawsonville, Georgia office. Call (706) 216-7732 to schedule an appointment today.

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